Sushi Cat Show (also known as l am Sushi Cat) is a children's animation that occurs an anime styled tv show made in 2015.
Premise mid[]
The series starts with a cute blue feline named Sushi Cat who was with his pink plush wife named Maki who explore and help friends own their way and he also relearns about friendship and love. He also loves to eat sushi to be fat to rescue Maki and he also makes friends to others.
Seasons and Episodes were listed down by order:
Season 1[]
- Hello Sushi Cat! - The episode of sushi cat who took place in Tokyo Mall where he was born as a blue slime as he evolved into a chubby cat.
- Hide and Seek
- The Snowball Ghost
- Roll! - A white bunny helps that he cannot roll, so Sushi Cat tries to help the white bunny that he was so fat.
- Girlfriend - Sushi cat found a pink cat plush and want to get it. Sushi cat wanted to buy the plush but the seller can't afford to buy because it costs a little much yen. So he decided to get the pink cat plush in a carnival, then he named the pink cat plush Maki and soon the plush turned out to be his wife.
- A Friend - A blue bunny was similar to Sushi Cat as Sushi Cat met a bunny and tell about the origin of the Blue Bunny.